
this page is made up by a few chatters on talk city about the room flirt. over some time now we have viewed this room and have noticed things about the people there. we have seen the way they act and have grown accustomed to their sometimes pathetic ways. this page is to let you see what we saw first hand.
now i am here to inform you that this page is not meant to be degrading although at times it may be to certain people.
this page is fully made up of opinions drawn together from our views of flirt, you do not like it, we do not care. do not take us the wrong way, you see, we have seen a few nice people in this room we are not by any means saying that all the chatters in flirt are going to be offended by this page. but there are people who will, and they should. they should take this page and read it's contents carefully and realize that we know how they are so they can stop the fake "i am so great act" because now everyone is aware of how they really are. this page was made by us to show everyone just how fake some people are and how you can not always trust those who you think you can.
you do not have to view this page nor do you have to agree with what we say. but some of you might agree while those with no real friends will disagree and make a fuss about this here page.
too bad to those that make a fuss this is life as we know it and theres no way to take away someone's right to freely express their opinions publicly.

it is our right to make this page and we have made it clear that this page is based on our opinions from what we have viewed in this chat room.



My Bashbro's and I went to a homepage through a questbook link and it lead us to a few pages and then to a list of friends in flirt on talkcity page so we took it upon ourselves to check out these friends in flirt. We have been chatting in talkcity for awhile and all we can say is that the people in a room called #Flirt obviously have no kind of life whatsoever!!! It is funny to actually watch these people argue comstantly. There are however a few that fight all the time while others get started with and make comments and thats it because those people don't care what others think of them they know this is the internet and not real life.
Back to what I was saying about the list of flirt friends, we each printed out the list and watched the room for these people and we have seen a few of them but not all of them. You must be thinking what losers are these people for making this homepage. And if your not you should be. But I will tell you. We are the kind of losers that you all hate because we see the truth and we speak of the truth and you fake people that will try to knock this homepage are only proving the theory that "Truth Hurts". Now that I said that you all can act like your not upset by this homepage but we have a guestbook feel free to sign it with a private message. I would enjoy to hear all your comments. Well as I was saying, we are here to show you what this flirt circle of hate is all about.
They say call each other "sis" and "bro" a family they call themselves, which is prettty damn funny because that family is one hell of a disfunctional one. It makes us wonder what kind of family they come from. One that talks about each other contantly? Seems that way to me.

Take Dawny27 for example apparently she got cyber married to the love of her cyber life. What the fuck is a cyber marriage you would have to be a total geek and have no life to get cyber married I mean can't these people find anyone in real life???? Are they that desperate that they have to get cyber married because they know they will never get married in real life???? They met in real life which is good for them but the cyber marriage thing come on people get real. I mean what does cyber marriage mean anyways? you can't message him he is my "cyber husband". She fights a little mainly with rude people and one specific man by the nickname of Shadows. Other then the stupid marriage thing she is not as bad as the others as you will see.

Now lets look at chicklet, Mrs. Obsess Alot Dyke she fights with people and talks about it for hours on end, it was over four hours ago shut up and shut off your computer and take a chill pill (you can steal them from your work, don't they have a psycho ward at your hospital?) then go take a nap. I mean really get a life. No chicklet not new cyber friends, a new life consists of going out and meeting people!! Take your little moped out peeweegirl and go find yourself a real breathing man, now wouldn't that be so nice? She talks like a complete slut to other ladies that are part of the flirt family, can we say chicklet likes incest?? I mean hell she is online alot and she acts like her life is so wonderful with all her loving and caring friends. If your life is so perfect why are you online so much and why do you need to get attention by talking like a complete whore to both male and females? it makes me sick that someone can call herself a lady and yet speaks like a man that is talking to his friends. Is there something we do not know? I personally feel that this lady(?) is too full of herself and needs to take a look into th ereality mirror. She can not be all that she thinks, see, she lives her life out on the internet I mean how desperate is that. She's a nurse, when the hell does she work? She thrives to get all the attention in the room and when she does them idiots fall for it and sworm over her like a fly on shit. I have noticed shes always fights.
One fight, a personal favorite of mine, was with ``crazibratgurl`` over a internet guy. Oh lordy lordy. I mean man who the fuck wants and internet guy who thinks he's gods gift to woman when he is really 400lbs or something!!! Hello he is online people he is not the stud he might seem to be!! Wake up Flirters! Don't they two have anything better to do with their precious time???? Do they not work?

Now wait wait this is good if only flirt had a newspaper the headline could read "two lifeless sleaze bags that are part of the flirt family and they can't even stand each other". Hello ladies can we say addicted to the net and we need a real life??

Now I will tell you a little more about chicklets dear friend ``crazibratgurl`` this one should be called crazibratBITCH. She is so childish. She says she is 21 but can we prove that she is not really 12?? She also goes by the nickname ``NoLuB`` talk about needing attention. I mean how pathetic is that to come online and try to get attention by using a nickname like that!!! But guess what she gets it most of the time. you should see the room when her and chicklet are there, can we say major competition? The only difference is chicklet talks nasty to get attention while this one whines. This one fights alot too but she usually fights with those people that click on her and say stuff in which she does not approve. She is always online, and I mean always. There has only been a few times that I can recall where I can remember not seeing her nickname in there. Log off crazibrat its good for the computer to turn it off sometimes. Oh and while your at it get a real life also.

As for NZGirl people say shes a crazy chick i have never seen her talk in the room and when she does its something like yey and thats it i mean does she have absolutely no life that she sits in front of her computer and just watches the room go buy damn that girl must be fuckin fat and i heard she is a trans sexual!!!!

And what is up with every time someone enters the room they have to type there name and !!!!!!!!!!!!!! every time do they have nothing to say or something why go to a chat room if all you are gonna see is nic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean how pointless is that people get a life or at least start to have a desent conversation!!

Then theres `dolphin` Miss kiss the csa's ass so they will boot people for her and she also has a pet called `micheal`.

And MuTeDuDe he should be called mr nasty he loves toes you have to be a special kind of moron to wan